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What Picture of my Cat are You?

Pretty simple. I have many pictures of my cat. They have diffrent vibes. What your result MEANS is up to you, though. Note: I reccomend that you download and host the images on your own server if you put these on your site; right now I'm using Post Images to host result images to minimize hotlinking to my site.

Can I stick my fingers into the bars of your enclosure?

You are alone on a friday night...

What is your default mood?

What's a good nickname for a cat?

What kinds of stories do you like best?

Pikmin :3

Do you have a rival?

How do you call your cat to you?

Uhhh two questions remain... um... what vibe do you WANT to embody?

Running out of ideas. Umm. Umm. Pick an emoticon.

Feel free to send me a message or leave a note on my guest book saying what result you got :3

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