The tools used to make the site!
- Hosted by Neocities
- Built with 11ty
- Built in Visual Studio Code
- Previously built in Notepad++
- Code can be found on GitHub. I humbly request you don't copy the entire site, but feel free to pick it appart and copy bits to learn from/use.
Some snippits of code are not mine. Here's what they are, where they are on the site, and where I got them!
- Javascript-free tab code is made by Kalechips
- Quiz outline and javascript is made by Cave of Dragonflies
- Code that adds the little arrows after links was made by Flamed Fury
- Iframe code used to make the status bar work is from Petrapixel
Fonts used on this site.
- Level 1 and 2 headings: Ubuntu
- Everything else: Atkinson Hyperlegible.
- This site defaults to Arial and then sans-serif if either font doesn't work!
Sites I got inspirations from :3
- - inspired the toybox and section of the site and the mobile nav menu
- - led me to find the Atkinson Hyperlegible font
- Goblin Heart/Sadgrl - I used to use her site theme builder :3
Where I learned to do certain things.
- Khan Academy's unit on HTML and CSS - where I got my start
- Interneting is Hard - where I further developed my skills
- W3 Schools - source of countless guides
- 11ty, Github, and Neocities - while I used many guides to figure out 11ty, this is the one I followed the closest
- 11ty Second 11ty: Setting a date string in eleventy to fix 11ty's "Off by 1" [YouTube] - how I figured out how to fix my blog posts displying the wrong date
- 11ty Second 11ty: Paginating Markdown blog posts with 11ty Pagination [YouTube] - helped me figure out paginating with 11ty
And a special thanks to
32Bit Cafe for their guides, help, and general inspiration!