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Graduation and Holiday Shenanigans

Tags: Journal

It's been a few weeks since I last posted, and that's because two major events have happened: graduation and Christmas.

Earlier this month, I had my graduation ceremony. I am now officially out of college and have my degree. I was given an mpty sleeve during the ceremony due to it happening before final grades were actually posted, so I'm still waiting on my degree to be sent in the mail, but I do know that I have it offially on record now. I was also offered a job, which I'm still waiting to get an interview for. I expect it may be a bit, given it's the holiday season, but I can wait at least a little to start that.

My last semester of college went okay, most of my classes were enjoyable. Save for one. My technical writing class, which I was the most excited for, ended up being handeled incredibly poorly. I could go on a whole rant about it, and maybe I will some day, but I think for now I'd rather spend my time and energy finding tech writing courses/information online to fill in the missing gaps left by the course. That feels much more productive, at least.

After graduation came the traveling. Oh, the traveling. I have a big family, so Christmas is always an OrdealTM. The family has only gotten bigger over the years, so the traveling has only increased. In short, I am tired. I am so tired. But I survived! And that's what counts. So now that that's over, and now all that's left is New Years, I should hopefully have more time for this site.

First on the list will be fiddling with 11ty to finally fix the RSS feed. That has stayed broken for far too long. I'll also play with a slightly diffrent workflow for it, one that should hopefuly work better for me, so wish me luck on that. I also have an actual game review in the works again. Would you beleive me if I said that's what the focus of this blog was supposed to be, with journlas like this being a side thing? No? I wouldn't blame you. Lastly, I have a shrine that's almost done. Just needs some images added. I don't know when those three things will be done, but I'd like to get them done at some point. So, uh, wish me luck!