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Nook Book

November 28, 2024

Tags: Journal

No, it is not called a Nook Book.

Yes, I will keep calling it a Nook Book. Because I think it is more fun that way.

Anyways, it'll be another few hours before I can leave for a relative's house for Thanksgiving Dinner the First (I have... A big family) and I'm bored, so I may as well kill time by writing up a blog post. Even if it is a short one.

I have a friend at school/work who owns a Nook Book. One of the older models from 2011. All it can do is display eBook files, really, but it uses an eInk display. And that's great, because as a chronic migrane enjoyer, normal screen displays can be harsh when I have even a mild headache. Plus, eyestrain is rough... I would love for someone to make a laptop with an eInk display. I know the refresh is bad, and it's monochrome, so it would be useless for anything other than reading and editing text (and maybe some other things, like playing audio?) but it would be AMAZING for reading and text editing. Think about it.

After seeing his, I ended up liking it enough that he helped me get one. I got the same 2011 model he had, because it was cheaper in the long run and still did everything I needed it to do. It was also my first bit on eBay - yeah, on the bidding site, I always avoided bidding until now - and got lucky enough to win first go. After that, I bought a replacement battery, because this was a device from 2011. Ended up a good call, because my buddy and I were able to confirm the batt the device came with had gone bad. So he replaced it, and did some software updates to fix issues I don't fully remember the details of. But by the end everything worked! :D

And it's been great. It's very comfortable to read with, more so than my phone due to the lack of blue light. I was also surprised to find it more comfortable than an actual book, but it makes sense. It's flat, so no weird shadows from holding it at an open angle. And, another fun fact, I have kinda fucked wrists, so it's easier to hold the small tablet than it is some thicker books. I'm not getting rid of my physical bookshelf any time soon, there's absolutely times where I'll want to read a physical book. Mainly when conditions are just right for it to be comfortable for me. But yeah, the Nook Book was a good call.

I have several books on there now, mostly nonfiction with some fiction. I've finished one so far, Dealing with Dragons - a childhood favorite I wanted to get back to. Maybe I'll return to read the rest of its series, maybe not. Right now I'm reading The Priory of the Orange Tree. I'd like to make a bookshelf page for the site some day... But I have a lot of other things I'd also like to do for the site. I think I need to prioritize at least a little here, lmao.

Hopefully with graduation just around the corner, I'll have more time to work on the site. It's... Coming up scarily fast actually. This week is Thanksgiving break, then it's the last week of classes, then finals week... Oh. Oh, it's actually almost here. That's terrifying lmao.