Pizza and Pumpkins
Tags: Journal
More chill post today, and one to test out a new image host :3 which was a good call bc the one I was going to use is actually down!
I work two jobs at my university, one of them being a reporter for the school's news. No paper, just publishing online with WordPress. Today I went to an event for my next story and had a blast. Nothing like getting paid to eat pizza and listen to someone discuss the relationship between phones and loneliness. I mean, I also have to write the story, but still.
I did actually bring up the indie/small/personal/whatever web in the discussion. Just mentioning how focusing on it more has been healthier than social media. She sounded intrested, having grown up in the early 2000s and having had a blog of her own back then, so I went ahead and sent her some information after the discussion. Fun stuff!
After that, I finished my homework, then went to a pumpkin painting event being held in the cafeteria. Apparently more students showed up than expected, so I had to wait while they ran out and bought more pumpkins lol. My initial plan for my pumpkin didn't work out, but I did paint this and had a blast with it!

Speaking of pumpkins... 32Bit Cafe's Haloween event has begun! I'll be taking part in it this year, so look out for a super special door that'll eventually appear on the main page! :D