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So My Final Semester Begins...

Tags: Journal

On Monday of this week, my final semester of college began - come December, I'll be graduating with my Bachelor's in Communications!

It's a really weird feeling; for the past four years college was all I've ever known. My current job as a writing tutor is so wrapped up in academics still that it hardly feels different from school. And before all of this, I was a student in the American public school system - school is all I have ever known. To have life without school feels almost wrong and scary, as much as I am excited for it.

It doesn't help that I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing after graduation. For the past two years, I was convinced I would go straight to grad school and become a professor... Only to realize I couldn't afford to. Even with scholarships and an assistantship, I just wouldn't make enough income to cover the cost of living. Plus, there's something equally terrifying about the idea of going into academia and never coming out again. So now I'm scrambling to do something related to writing and/or communications. Right now being a technical writer sounds good, though I could also probably be an editor... Journalism is an option too... I don't know! Guess I'll figure it out.

Speaking of technical writing and editing; those are two of the classes I'm taking this semester. Both have been very interesting so far, though the technical writing class has experienced a few start-of-semester hiccups that have been annoying. Stuff like the book having not been properly announced and the Canvas page being weirdly organized on the first day. Thankfully the professor has been very understanding and seems to be willing to meet us in the middle. And honestly, that's more important in my experience.

For my other two classes, I'm also taking a psychology class on autism in order to finish up my psychology minor and a class on sexuality and gender because I needed one last elective and it sounded the most interesting lmao. I'm most nervous about the autism class, as the handling of that topic could go wrong in a million different ways. What I've seen so far is promising at the very least. I can't say anything on the sexuality class yet; it's a sprint course that hasn't started as of writing.

I suppose that's it really! I'm still working away on re-making the site with 11ty, though now that school has started my progress will be slowed a bit. I recently got what I suspect to be the most difficult part done, which was the blog funnily enough. Last time I said I probably won't make an 11ty guide but trying to make that blog changed my mind. There's lots of guides on getting started but not very many on how to do more complicated things. So whenever I'm done, I'll do just that! :D

I think I'll also write another post after I finish finals to give my overall thoughts on what being in college was like.