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Massive Site Overhaul

Tags: Site Updates

For the past month or so I've been working on overhauling the entire website. Again. This is what, the fourth major iddration? As you can see, it's very similar to the old version, as most changes were "back end" stuff to make future edits/updates to the site much MUCH easier for me. Additionally, I've made a few changes that should make the site more acceccible to people with various disabilities. Also! The blog isn't nearly as clunky to use as before. All that being said, please know that this Overhaul is still not quite done. There's a few more things I want to add, but I didn't want to keep post-poning the site overhaul for these smaller items. So do note some things may be a little funky for a while!

You may have noticed some things are missing: where's the shrine page? The hoard page? Here's a quick rundown.

  1. The Hoard: This page was renamed to Web Gliding. This is so that I can re-use the page name "Hoard" for a new page that's yet to be added. You can find the new web gliding page here.
  2. Shrines: The pikmin shrine is also being overhauled, but it is still not quite done because the CSS is uh. Just not working. As in it seems to not recognize the CSS sheet :,( once I figure that out, I'll add it to the site. Until then, there's not really any shrines at all, so no point in having a page for them yet.
  3. Guestbook: Was accidentily deleted -w- I was able to restore it, but the old comments are now lost... kinda. I can see them on my profile on the comment box site, but I can't fully/truly add them back to this site. Oh well.
  4. Sub-heading images: They will return! Just need to tweak them a bit and make a new one for Web Gliding.
  5. Several blog posts: As you may have noticed, the blog now has a seperate page for each blog post. This has made super short posts a waste of server space, to a certain degree, so any that were under a particular length were yeeted. So, most posts got eviserated. On that note, expect longer and far more infrequent blog posts!

And, of course, there are still many things to be done. In no particular order, these are:

  • Finish Pikmin shrine
  • Fix spelling errors across the site (a few of my keys, namely "a" and "e", don't always register that I pressed them so most spelling errors are from that
  • Make the top navigtion bar not an actual nightmare to update using Templaterr's auto-updating top nav bar code.
  • Add the new hoard page, which will be home to fun goodies like Wayback Machine archives of the site, a toy box, personality quizz results, and more!
  • Give the blog its own RSS feed
  • Just keep on adding little things (and not-so little things) to this perpetual WIP of a website!

Annnnd that's about it! The spring semester is almost over for me, so I'll have much more free time/energy to do stuff. On that note: I got my graduation date! :D I'll be graduating in December 2024! Which is exciting! And terrifying!