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Blog of the Grubby Dog

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On Monday of this week, my final semester of college began - come December, I'll be graduating with my Bachelor's in Communications! It's a really weird feeling; for the past four years college was all I've ever known. My current job as a writing tutor... Read More

And in just one update, my previous blog post is now outdated lol. As my previous two posts have made clear, my site has grown to a size where editing everything purely by hand was getting overwhelming. As of now, there are nine pages on my site that use the same lay out... Read More

Or more accurately; a blog post about my fun adventure in updating the blog! Again! As you may have noticed, the blog looks entirely diffrent now. Posts are nestled into an iframe now, and there are also tags! AND an RSS feed!!! Read More

As you may have noticed, my site has a lot of pages - and is only going to get more. This is primarily thanks to each blog post having its own seperate page on the site. Needless to say, manually having to update the HTML on every single page for any reason would be nothing short of a nightmare. Read More

For the past month or so I've been working on overhauling the entire website. Again. This is what, the fourth major iddration? As you can see, it's very similar to the old version... Read More

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