About Me
I'm Grubdog, a twenty-something year-old struggling his way through college! I first started this site back in April of 2023, as I wanted a space on the web to truly call my own. Learning HTML/CSS has been a very bumpy road and I still have a lot to learn, but I'm proud of what I have managed so far!
If you ever want to chat, just shoot me a DM in any of the sites listed here, or leave a comment on my guest book. I don't bite, I promise! You can definitely stick your fingers in the bars of my enclosure >:3 ... ok, that last bit is just me teasing, but I am genuine when I say you're free to send a message. Just know I'm busy and may not answer right away.
Names: Grubdog, Grub, Grubby, honestly just about any variation on "grub" works just fine!
Pronouns: He/Him
Fursona: Moth-dragon hybrid creature. Also named Grub and also uses he/him!
Identity List: Trans, queer, white, autistic + ADHD, dragonkin, furry.
College Stuff: Currently an undergrad, I have a major in Communications and a minor in Psychology!
Job Stuff: I'm a writing tutor for my university!
Hobbies: Drawing, writing, struggling with HTLM/CSS, world building, and playing video games.
Other Intrests: Playing Pikmin, talking about Pikmin, drawing Pikmin, writing about Pikmin, infodumping about Pikmin... Pikmin...
Other Intrests (for real this time): Pikmin, Hollow Knight, Slay the Princess, Legend of Zelda, Flight Rising, DnD, various web-comics, and many many passing intrests.

Other Sites
- Tumblr - Pikmin posting all the time.
- Artfol - Where almost all of my art goes.
- Dreg Social (Sharkey) - More art and random thoughts.
- Art Fight - Art and OCs; only active during the Art Fight event in July.
Browser Game Profiles
Personality Quiz Results
Nothing to be taken too seriously, but fun non-the-less! Click each image to be taken to its quiz page.