Welcome to the Domain of the Grub Dog!
Hi, I'm Grubdog (He/Him). I'm a trans dragon currently making his way through life. This is just my personal site for whatever pops into my brain, but mostly expect musings on videogames, alterhumanity, and coding struggles -w-
The blog has the bulk of this content, but I also have a few other things including a collection of sites and other resources gathered from my time gliding through the web - I found them to helpful, interesting, and/or entertaining, so I figured to share them as well! Besides, one of my favorite things to do on the small web is to go to a site which leads me to another site that leads me to another site... May as well encourage that on my own site, hehe!
Oh, and feel free to sign my guestbook (which is currently hosted by SmartGB) - I love reading though people's random thoughts on the things I make!
Age Rating
This site is unrated. I post what I want, when I want, with no guarantee that it will be appropriate for everyone. I will curse, and I will be blunt, and there will likely be artistic nudity (... once I finally start posting art here lol). All of that said, if something does need a warning then there will be one.
Here's my little button to link back to this site :3 if you add me, please feel free to let me know! Note that the image source is currently set as PostImages to minimize hotlinking to my site; I reccomend downloading the image and hosting it on your own site.
Site Updates
Febuary 17th, 2025: Updated age rating to be unrated, to give myself more freedom and comfort in that area. Individual items that need warnings will get them. Minor backend fixes were also made. Later update, also added a status.cafe thing!
January 31st, 2025: Many big updates today! The big banner was replaced with a smaller "icon" that looks nicer on all screens. A little arrow is displayed next to all links that take you off-site (excluding images that are links) thanks to some code from Flamed Fury. The Link Hoard was also reshuffled, with some items added or moved, and a new sub-section - Digital Smarts - being added under Education. Plus the credits page has been upadted again to reflect all of this.
January 3rd, 2025: The RSS Feed is back! You can find it at /feed.xml. I also took the chance to make some minor visual changes to the link hoard to hopefully make it a little easier to read? It's still all very tentitive and open to feedback, so do let me know what you think!
December 31th, 2024: Minor back-end work to faciliate the return of the RSS feed. Also remembered to link my GitHub repo in the credits page. Opps. I also removed the microblog related credits, since I'm not doing stuff with that anymore.
November 11th, 2024: Removed bat shrine link from front page, now it can be found on a dedicated shrine page. Hope you all enjoyed the event!
October 23rd, 2024: Added a bat shrine for 32bit Cafe's Haloween Event.
October 6th, 2024: Another website overhaul, this time done with 11ty. More info can be found in a dedicated blog post.
July 31st, 2024: Updated Web Gliding to add in a lot of sites I have gathered. These sites are in the Site Creation, Education, Fun Stuff, Personal Sites, and Others' Collections catigories. I still have a ton more to add, but I plan on adding them in small waves as to not be overwhelming for anyone lol. I also added a new item to my Toybox and swapped around some of my Pixel Pets.
The major site update to change the "skip to content" link and navigation bar will most likely be next.
July 22nd, 2024: Changed the root color lables to make them easier to work with back end. This also gave me the chance to improve the dark mode on the site; it should now have much better contrast! A few colors were also switched out in the process, mostly for contrast and aestetic purpouses. The "skip to content" link at the top of each page is no longer hidden; I plan on changing how that looks and functions in the future. I deleted the old code that hid the link thinking I'd update it today, but ended up not having the time for that lol. Looks a little strange, but it functions and that is what matters!
To do next: update "skip to content" bar, update the navigation links (they'll be moving to the side bar, which will also be hidden behind a hambuger menu on mobile). Further in the future, I'll probably change the header image so the size works better for the site.
June 13th, 2024: Figured out how to make the blog readable within your RSS reader of choice B)
June 12th, 2024: Overhauled the blog - details can be found within its own blog post.
June 8th, 2024: Joined the Black Cats fan-listing. Took the chance to go ahead and fix a few visual errors around the site.
June 4th, 2024: Updated the toybox (AGAIN) so that GIFs are hidden under "read more" sections by default. There are two: one for GIFs and one for flashing GIFs. Because the simple answer is often the correct answer. More items were added to the toybox. Every page got an extra box (either at the bottom of the side bar or just above the footer, depending on the page layout) that includes an anti-NFT button, a stand with Palestine flag that links to resources to help Palestine, and an age rating button that links to more info on what the age rating means. Also fixed several minor errors across the site.
June 2nd, 2024: Updated the toybox (again) so that GIFs are auto-paused. You can hover over them to make them play - this doesn't work on mobile, obviously, so I'm trying to make pause/play buttons work. They're just being mean to me and refuse to work :(
May 31st, 2024: Updated the toybox to have more images and a better layout. Updated topnav to remove the "padding"/blank space between it and the main content. Updated site button and favicon (Favicon Grub got a little squished... but he'll be okay). Also fixed issue where dark mode didn't work on blog posts.
May 29th, 2024: After spending literally all day fighting with HTML comment box and making 0 progress, I broke and went back to Smart Guestbook. So, new-old guestbook!
May 28th, 2024: Minor updates; fixed a glaring spelling error in WebGliding, and also renamed the WebGliding "webmastery" tab to "site creation" to make it clearer what that tab provides information on.
May 24th, 2024: New blog post! Fixed auto-uptading top nav to (A) be Java-free and (B) behave on mobile; also went and fixed a few issues with being able to skip to the top of some pages. Paging through blog posts will also bring you to the top of the page.
May 23rd, 2024: Moved the "about" section to its own page, added the hoard, added the toybox, added the cat-picture personality quiz, AND added a few items to web-gliding!
May 16th, 2024: Updated the top banner image to match current fursona design :3
May 12th, 2024: The top navigation bar has been updated to include Templaterr's auto-updating navigation bar code, that way if I need to add a link to the navigation bar I can edit just one java script file and not nearly every single HTML file on my site lmao. You may need to clear your browser cache for it to display/work properly.
May 11th, 2024: Hi yeah both dark mode and the mobile friendly layout actually work now YAY!
May 5th, 2024: MASSIVE site overhaul, mostly to improve things back-end. A more detailed list of what has changed (and what still needs changed) is detailed in its own blog post
April 9th, 2024: Updated main page to include credits, a "to-do" section, and a webrings section. Removed "other sites" section and merged it with "About Me". Replaced a social media link. Made H2 headings have Indie Flower font; may go back and do the same for H3 headings too.
March 24th, 2024: Added more sites to The Hoard (mainly under the "Fun Stuff" section), overhauled the blog page to support multiple years.
January 12th, 2023: Added more sites to The Hoard, updated side bar.
December 10th, 2023: Ported over all blog entries from DW. Blog is now up-to-date!
June 1st, 2023: Added the updates square to the main page; added more items to the hoard. All new items are either in the fun or the education catigories.